Wednesday, June 4, 2008


i painted a picture of the bamboo forest next to my dad's cabin
i felt let down when i first realized that i had only a few colors of paint at hand
but i remembered learning that you could create most of the colors (sorry not 'any color') only if you had red, yellow and blue
so i tried painting with those three colors
i was clueless at first but i had a lot of fun once i started to get the hang of it

my dad and i harvested some bamboo shoots and gave them to our neighbours and friends
bamboo shoots spring up one after another in this time of the year and some grow 1m=3.3feet a day!
their life force is remarkable

pictures: bamboo forest
bamboo shoots
my painting, paint and bamboo cup and palette


Yuko said...
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Yuko said...

thanks elena for your compliment! please say hi to el-a:)

LiDi said...

Bamboos are amazing :-) And your painting too!

neb said...

do you eat those? the verification word is nerzy. That's a good one.