Sunday, November 25, 2007

Proud of myself

did push-ups and sit-ups.
did yoga.
went mountain climbing.
talked to good friends.
ate good food with a peaceful state of mind.
listened to my favorite music
tried not to worry too much about anything.
tried my best to stay strong and be myself.

all this made me feel so much better.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Tokyo, Japan

Coming back to Japan after spending almost eight months abroad, things here seem different to me now.
I'm feeling things differently, thinking differently.

Here people seem very materialistic, I mean, more than before.
Advertisements are so pervasive in public sphire that it seems almost impossible not to let them enter my eyes and brain.
Everybody who passes by me at train stations dresses up very nicely.
Most of the young women wearing make-ups, wearing tight jeans, and tight high peeled boots.
They seem very identical.
Most of the men are in suits looking very uncomfortable.
I have to ask myself a question, "are they serious???", "is this real???", "why???"
Everybody looks so "perfect" but I can see tiredness and unhappiness in their faces.

I need to try extra hard not to let myself and my spirit taken away, and to stay positive and myself.
It's so depressing to go to the busy central Tokyo area.
I need to keep away from here...sigh.

Realization, determination

I am free.
I can go pretty much anywhere, do pretty much anything I wanna do in the world.
The police or the government just wanna scare me so I won't do anything that they dislike.
But they can't really exercise their power over me, as much as they want to.
Anybody and anything cannot stop me from doing things I wanna do.
I have such a bright future ahead. I am not restricted by almost any form of power.
I'm so lucky. I'm excited.

I just realized today that I am free, and I can do anything as long as I try.

I wanna travel, starting from India or Europe, and see different parts of the world and learn new things.

I wanna be able to locate good dumpsters anywhere I happened to be, cook bunch of food and give it to people.
I wanna be able to hitchhike.
I wanna be able to fix bike and go anywhere by bike.

I wanna learn massage, alternative medicine, yoga, languages, and vegan/vegetarian cooking.
I wanna train for swim races and marathon races as a challenge.
I wanna have a garden, grow healthy veggies, cook delicious meal and feed my loved ones.

All I need to achieve there goals is a complete determination.
As long as I am determined, I can acomplish anything.
I am very motivated.

What are you excited about?
What motivates you a lot?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Good bye Canada

I'm going back to Japan tomorrow. This is the last night but it seems there's nothing special
happening tonight... that's ok. I like it too.

I feel at home here at the bunk house. People here are easy going, open-minded and caring. People come hang out, and leave all the time. I'd love to come back and see them again, someday.

Gerrett and Woody made an awesome dinner today. Rye-lentil-broccoli-carrot soup and veggies pancake thing by Gerrett, and walnut-apricot-carob-spelt cake by Woody. Everything is vegan.

I'll definitely miss their food.

I'm leaving here tomorrow but it doesn't feel like it at all...